Dear Sweet Potato Diary

by | Sep 22, 2018 | Sweet Potato Diary

Date: 9/23/18
Sweet Potato #12-50 at least

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Sorry I haven’t written in so long! Sweet Potato life gets crazy you know? I’ve eaten so many sweet potatoes since my last diary entry, I don’t know where to begin. I’ve eaten them baked, as hummus, in stir fry, as popsicles…the list goes on. Today I added boiled sweet potatoes to my morning oatmeal. What a treat! (add a little cinnamon and maple syrup to sweet the deal…)

I will try to be better about logging my sweet potato adventures from now on!

Date: 6/27/18
Sweet Potato #11

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Today I tried microwaving a sweet potato for the first time. It was okay – definitely a time saver but also turned out fairly dry. I used a very small potato so that probably helped and it really only took like 5 minutes. So if your’e in a hurry it could be the way to go. I added some coconut oil to it and all was still good enough to eat!

Date: 6/24/18
Sweet Potato #10

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Today I tried making sweet potato bread for the first time. It was pretty okay but kind of started to burn on the outside while still not fully cooked on the inside…it was still decent but a bit under cooked.  Tastes a lot like pumpkin bread. I used a previously-baked sweet potato for the recipe, which saved a lot of time. I think I’ll try to perfect it before I do a recipe blog post.

Date: 6/20/18
Sweet Potato #9

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Today I baked a big ol’ sweet potato. When it was finished I split it open, smothered it with coconut oil and covered it with kidney beans and sweet & spicy bbq sauce. May not sound amazing, but it was! The meaty beans combined with the soft sweet potato are a great combo. (Side note: I actually baked 2 sweet potatoes, and saved one for another use – this is a good trick to always have another sweet potato ready to party).

Date: 6/16/18
Sweet Potato #8

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Saturday I went camping at Frozen Head State Park, and baked a nice Japanese sweet potato in the fire.It was awesome! Blog coming soon!

Date: 6/10/18
Sweet Potato #7

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Tonight we had sweet potato mashed potatoes for dinner! Along with corn on the cob and country fried seitan (recipe). So good!

Date: 6/6/18
Sweet Potato #6

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Tonight I made sweet potato & spinach curry for dinner and it was awesome. Even Lisa liked it! I will make it again in the future and do a recipe blog post.

Date: 6/1/18-6/2/18
Sweet Potato #3-5

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

This weekend I went camping and baked sweet potatoes in the coals of our fire both nights. I shared them with friends. Reminder: do a blog post about this.

Date: 5/30/18
Sweet Potato #2

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Today I diced a sweet potato and sauteed it in oil then added greens (kale, chard, spinach from garden) and bbq sauce. Ate it all with a pile of quinoa. Yum!

Date: 5/28/18
Sweet Potato #1

Dear Sweet Potato Diary,

Today I ate a sweet potato for lunch. I just baked it and added coconut oil. It was super delicious.