Campfire Sweet Potato

by | Jun 23, 2018 | Cooking

  • Awesomeness 100% 100%
  • Healthiness 100% 100%

*Difficulty will be variable on this one, depending on where your fire is. Backyard fire? Easy! Backcountry camping fire? Boy are your legs tired from hiking!


1 small to medium sized sweet potato (or more!)

Aluminum Foil


Camping is a great pasttime. Sitting around the fire, enjoying nature and all its beauty. A wonderful way to fuel your hiking and replenish your reserves is with campfire-baked sweet potatoes. (Is it considered roasted? Not sure what to call it…) But you cook it in the hot coal area of the fire for a unique outdoor treat. Super easy, super healthy, super delicious!

Yay for camping!
Prepared sweet potato awaits its destiny.
Slowly roasted on an open fire.
Finished campfire potato – ready to eat!
Step 1

Rinse off your potato/scrub any dirt off and pat dry. Poke your sweet potato several times with a fork. Wrap in aluminum foil. (Pre-wrapping helps them stay nice and compact in your backpack.) The smaller the sweet potato the faster it will cook.

Step 2

Build a nice fire like the amazing boy scout/girl scout that you are. Let the fire burn for a while so there is a decent bed of hot coals. You want lots of heat coming off of it.

Step 3

Carefully place your sweet potato in the fire oven you’ve created. You don’t want flames engulfing it or anything; it is best to be several inches away but feeling the heat. Rotate every 15-20 minutes or so throughout the process. Don’t almost forget about it like I did once!

Step 4

After about an hour or more (depending on the size of the potato) you’re ready to remove from the fire. Pierce the thickest area with a knife and if it easily slides in, the sweet potato is cooked through. Careful, it will be hot!

Remove from the fire and let cool for several minutes. It will continue cooking and getting even more delicious. Open it up and let some steam out for quicker cooling.

That’s it. Enjoy! I just peel and eat the dang thing like a banana. Feel free to share with your fellow campers. They will be delighted and surprised!